Join us for Sunday Worship!


Summer worship hour is 9:30 in June-August

Digital Bulletin for February 16, 2025

Come and worship with us this Sunday! Salem is an ELCA congregation of God’s Word and sacrament, driven by our purpose to be a beacon of Christ’s light on a hill.

A reminder about Sunday School: Children start with their families in worship in the sanctuary, and then re-join their families in the fellowship hall after worship.

In the Spring we have special mid-week supper and worship for the season of Lent.

We are a congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) that is all about God’s love, grace and forgiveness in Christ. All are welcome to the table as we celebrate Communion on the 1st and 3rd Sundays and on festival Sundays.

At Salem, we practice an open table for Communion. As God welcomes everybody to the sacrament of Communion (Eucharist), we believe we should too. No matter what, there is a place for you at the table. We celebrate Communion on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month, and on festival days.


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