
Giving is a part of the walk of faith. It is one part of our life as stewards of God’s gifts- of our time, talent, treasure, resources, passions, questions, ideas, vocations, and stories.

We give out of our deep gratitude and joy for all that God has done and continues to do for us. As Christians we believe that we are called to share that which God has entrusted to us for the sake of God’s work in the world.

There are many ways to give to support Salem’s mission and ministry. Please the options below:

Support Salem’s ministry and mission

  • Online Giving

    You can set up a one-time or recurring gift right now in just a few steps. It is safe, secure, tax deductible and easy. To give online, please click HERE.

  • During the Worship Service

    Baskets are passed during the Offering time in the worship service each Sunday morning where monetary gifts (cash or check) can be given and received.

  • Automated Check Payment thru Bank

    For an automatic giving form that will connect to your bank, please contact our secretary, Jody Meier, at (402) 721-3369 and she will get you set up.