Our purpose is to be a beacon of

Christ’s light on a hill

See you on Sunday!

10:30am Worship & Sunday School (beginning in the sanctuary)

11:30am Fellowship

Children’s Church/Sunday School resumes the Sunday after labor day.

Summer worship is at 9:30am June-August. In September we go back to 10:30 Worship followed by Fellowship.

Salem Lutheran Church of Fontanelle is a congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in American in the Nebraska Synod. Salem was founded in 1860 by German immigrants, and we are located out in the country in Fontanelle, Nebraska.


We are a joyful, historical country church. You are welcome here!

11022 11th Street, Fontanelle, NE 68044

Leave a note, question, or make a prayer request here

Ariel picture above from DroneSmith Aerial Photography Facebook.com/dronesmithaerial